FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
What is PSI5?
PSI5 is an interface standard for sensor applications, based on a highly reliable two-wire current communication and a data transmission speed of 125kbps.
What are the features of PSI5 in comparison to other interfaces such as LIN, CAN & FlexRay?
PSI5 is covering the automotive sensor interface segment with a medium speed data rate, high reliability and lowest possible implementation cost. PSI5 is much faster than LIN, complies with automotive EMC requirements and uses just two unshielded twisted wires. The implementation overhead and the related cost are thus much cheaper as CAN or FlexRay.
Which PSI5 components are available in the market?
There are multiple sensors and receiver ASIC’s available on the market. Please refer to the contacts/web sites given on the organization page. -
Where can I get additional information or personal contact?
Please contact on the PSI5 steering committee members to get additional information.
Are there any restrictions for using & implementing PSI5?
PSI5 is an open standard and can be used and implemented free of charge.
How can I become a member of PSI5?
Please apply to one of the PSI5 steering committee members.
How can I assure that my own developments will comply with the PSI5 standard?
If you plan to implement PSI5 into your sensor or receiver ASIC’s, we recommend to join the PSI5 associated members in order to be informed of the latest technical developments. We are also planning to implement a PSI5 compliance procedure with self-certification or certification by a third party.